How Equine Facilitated Therapy Works

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Jul 22, 2024
It’s a puzzling thing how an animal without the ability to speak could help us humans with our own complicated matters. From interpersonal skills, communication, trust, respect, to mental health challenges. Science has proven that equine facilitated therapy; that is, therapists and practitioners working with horses, can make a huge positive change in the lives of people. So how does it work? In this Groundwork blog we’re exploring some biological factors and key tenets that make the horse-human connection so impactful and effective. 

Communication Without Words

In the world of horses, nonverbal communication reigns supreme. Over thousands of years, horses have mastered the art of reading and responding to the subtlest shifts in body language and intention within their herds. This extraordinary sensitivity allows them to detect even the faintest changes in energy or emotion. On the other hand, humans often find themselves disconnected from their emotions, ruminating or caught up in the complexities of their minds. Research has revealed that the human heart has an electromagnetic field extending several feet from the body. It’s thought that this discovery underscores the importance of emotions in non-verbal communication. Attempts to suppress or conceal emotions create incongruence, which horses can detect with remarkable accuracy. Interestingly, the electromagnetic field generated by a horse has been measured at a distance of nine metres making it almost five times more powerful than that of a person. 

Natural Feedback Combined With Facilitator Insight

Horses' ability to respond to the heart's electromagnetic field is a testament to their natural perceptiveness. Facilitators in equine therapy hold safe space for the human-horse connection, allowing feedback provided by the horses to enhance self-awareness and guide the learning process for humans to attribute their own meaning. This dynamic interaction often leads to transformative experiences.

Horses have an uncanny ability to mirror our emotions, requiring us to be honest with ourselves and take responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Working with horses teaches us about the consequences of our actions and the importance of respectful, empathetic communication. These lessons are transferable to human interactions, helping us create healthy boundaries and live in the present moment. 

A Pathway to Authenticity

Engaging with horses creates a unique opportunity to shed our social masks and step into a more authentic way of being. Horses guide us through our emotional landscapes, helping us explore and embrace our true selves without fear of judgement. This process can lead to profound mental and emotional change. 

Accessible to All

One of the most remarkable aspects of equine facilitated therapy is its accessibility. That is to say you don’t need to have a tertiary knowledge of horses and therapeutic practices to benefit. The only prerequisites are open mindedness and commitment to the process. Even individuals who fear horses can benefit, as the horses serve as gentle facilitators of the learning. The human facilitators work with horses, who are proven to be calm and gentle, and ensure a safe and supportive environment for all involved.

The Finish Line

In conclusion, equine facilitated therapy harnesses the natural abilities of horses to reflect our true emotions, guiding us toward greater authenticity and connection. The unique space created by the human-horse connection accelerates self-discovery and personal insight. It’s a powerful experience that enables individuals to overcome obstacles and achieve breakthroughs in areas where they previously felt stuck. By stepping into the world of horses we can achieve self-growth, unlocking our potential and embracing a more authentic way of being.